Types of Course Overrides

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Overrides are given to students in order to register for classes that have restrictions or permissions. Some courses require multiple overrides depending on the error message the student is receiving while attempting to register for the class – be sure to add all overrides that correspond with the error messages.  Also, be sure to select the specific CRN the student is trying to register for. If a course has multiple sections, the student will only be able to add the CRN you have granted the override for! Adding overrides to a student’s record will not register the student for the course.  The override simply permits the student to register for the designated CRN.

The following overrides can be granted:


Override Code

Override Description Error message student sees Detailed explanation
APPR Department, Instructor, or Dean Approval Special Permission Required for this CRN - [CRN of Course] Some sections of courses have been designated as requiring a special approval for all students prior to registering. All students who would like to register for that section will need this override.
ATTR Student Attribute Override Student Attribute Restriction Some sections of courses require that the enrolled students have a specific student attribute on their record in order to register. Some examples include the College of Education International Programs and the Eckardt College Scholars.
CAMPUS Allow Campus Restriction This course is open to Distance Education students only. Some sections of courses are restricted specifically to students pursuing a distance education program. Students must have an active curriculum with a campus of D in order to enroll in these sections.
CAPACITY Allow Capacity Override A variety of messages. See more detailed explanation at right. Capacity overrides allow students to enroll in the section above the maximum enrollment. Granting this override will overrule any enrollment capacities on the course including but not limited to waitlists and reserved seating. Note: This override is not available until the 3rd week after the initial registration period each semester.
CBEO CBE Deans Office Only A variety of messages. See more detailed explanation at right. For use by the College of Business Dean's Office only. If given to a student, this override will grant permission for student attribute (ATTR), College, Class, Capacity, and Degree.
CLASS Allow Class Override This section has a restriction to include only students in a specific set of classifications. You are not eligible due to your classification. Some sections of courses are restricted to students of a specific classification (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior). When students attempt to register for a course, Banner calculates their class based upon earned credits (institutional and transfer) plus their registered credits in the current term. This allows proper class restrictions to be placed on upper division courses. However, it can cause an error for some students who may have enough credits to be classified more highly than their year at Lehigh (e.g. first year students with AP or transfer credit may be classified as sophomores for second semester registration while they are still attempting to register for their first-year courses, some of which may be restricted to only freshmen)
COHORT Allow Cohort Cohort Restriction Some sections of courses are restricted to students in a particular cohort.
COLLEGE Allow College Override This section is open only to students enrolled in a specific college. Some sections of courses are restricted to students in a particular college. Most often, this affects graduate students who are pursuing a degree in one college that uses coursework from another college
DEGREE Allow Degree Override Degree Restriction Some sections of courses are restricted to students who are pursuing a particular degree.
DUPS Allow Duplicates You are currently enrolled in two sections of the same course(crn [CRN of Course]). Special permission from your college is required to be permitted to do so. The duplicate override is required when students want to register for two sections of the same course in the same semester. Most often, students require this override when they want to register for two sections of a repeatable course such as an independent study or special topics.
MAJOR Allow Major Override This course is restricted to specific majors or minors. You have not declared one of those majors or minors. Some sections of courses are restricted to students who are pursuing a particular major and/or minor. Most often, this affects our freshman and sophomore students who need to register for required courses to fulfill degree requirements for their major but have not officially declared that major yet with the Registrar's Office.
PREQ Allow Pre- requisite Waiver You have an unmet pre-requisites. Some courses require that students have completed or are completing other courses prior to enrolling. This override will overrule any of those required courses for students prior to enrollment even if the student subsequently fails one of those prerequisite courses for which he/she is currently enrolled.
PROG Allow Program Program Restriction Some sections of courses are restricted to students who are pursuing a particular academic program.
TIME Allow Time Conflict You have requested two courses that meet at the same time. Your conflict is with [CRN of Course]. The time conflict override is required when students want to enroll in two sections where the meeting time overlaps in anyway. Either department involved in the time conflict may grant the override. However, the override will only allow the student to overrule the time conflict error for the section for which the override is granted (i.e. the section for which the student has the TIME override should be the later section of the two that the student registers for).