The LVAIC Cross Registration option provides undergraduate students with an opportunity to enrich their academic experience by taking courses at other institutions that are members of the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges. Participating institutions include Cedar Crest College, DeSales University, Lafayette College, Moravian College, and Muhlenberg College. Both the credits and the grades earned in courses taken through LVAIC Cross Registration will appear on a student’s Lehigh Transcript.


Important Cross Registration Policies for Lehigh Undergraduate Students:

  • Students must be in good academic standing and must not be first-semester, first-year students in order to cross register.

  • Courses taken through cross registration must not be available in the same semester at the home institution.

  • Graduate courses are not eligible for cross registration.

  • Courses taken through cross registration cannot be used to replace a grade earned in a course taken at Lehigh.

  • Students may register for up to two courses per semester, with a limit of 8 cross registered courses during their academic career

  • The tuition for cross registered courses is covered by Lehigh tuition for full-time undergraduate students during the fall and spring semesters. Part-time students, and students taking courses in a summer session must pay for the course through the host institution. Additional fees associated with courses, such as lab fees, are the student’s responsibility.

  • Course requests must be approved by the home advisor and home registrar before the registration is sent to the host institution. Enrollment is granted on a space-available basis, as determined by the host institution.

  • Students can drop cross registered courses by selecting the “drop” option on the cross registration request form. All registration changes are processed in accordance with the deadlines at the host institution.

To review the complete cross registration policies for full-time and part-time students, or to request to cross register for a course, please visit (Note, summer courses are requested using a paper form, available from the Registration & Academic Services office.)


Important Information for Students Cross Registering at Lehigh:

  • Cross registration requests are processed beginning two weeks prior to the start of the semester.

  • Students will be registered for courses on a space-available basis as long as all prerequisites are met and the appropriate permissions have been received.

  • Registered students will receive a mailer with instructions to open a Lehigh University account, allowing access to email, Banner (our student information system), and Course Site (our learning management system). Mailers are sent to the home address listed on the cross registration request.