To Change Your Address:
To update a current address ( --> Banner --> Personal Information --> Update Address(es) and Phone(s)
Under addresses and phones, select the link marked Current
If changing your address completely; enter the Until This Date, the last date that the address is/was valid and select submit
To make changes to the current address, simply edit the address fields and select submit
To delete the address; click the delete this address checkbox and select submit
To Add a New Address:
Under Type of Address to Insert, select the desired type from the pull-down list of addresses and click Submit. When updating or inserting an address, be sure to include the Valid From this Date (enter today's date or a date in the future), Address Line 1, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Area Code, and Phone Number fields. Other fields are optional. If you are entering a foreign address, Address Line 1, City, and Nation are required fields. Click Submit when you are finished entering the information.
Address Types
Business (BU): This address type is to be used to identify the address of your current business location.
Home (HO): This address type is to be used by alumni, employees, and students. For employees, home is the address of your legal residence for tax purposes.
Parents (PA): This address is for use by students only to indicate the address of the residence of their parents when it is different from the home address.
School Off-Campus (SO): This address type is to be used for undergraduate students living off campus but not in their permanent residence.
Seasonal (SE): This address type is to be used to indicate a seasonal residence.
Temporary (TE): This address type should be used only if you will be at an alternate address for more than two weeks and less than three months. Both Valid From This Date and Until This Date blocks must be completed for a temporary address.
Special Notes:
Neither graduate students nor employees may use an On Campus or Department address as their Home address.
Undergraduates may not use their Campus Box as their Home address.
The telephone number listed first will be considered the primary phone.
Employees will not be permitted to change or delete their Employee Campus address. Please notify Human Resources, 428 Brodhead Ave., (email:, or Payroll 524 Brodhead Ave, (email:, if you need to have your Employee Campus address edited.
To Change Your Name:
To change the name on your student record after formally completing a legal name change, you must submit a copy of your court documents (i.e. marriage license) and a copy of your driver’s license or passport to Registration & Academic Services. Individuals who wish to submit these documents electronically should use LU FileSender to securely send an encrypted copy of the required documents to
Lehigh University has also implemented a Chosen Name Policy and a Gender Identity Policy. Please visit Lehigh’s Updating Chosen Name and Gender Identity page for more information on how to designate your preferences and for details on where the changes will be applied in University systems.