We are happy to announce that the University has recently upgraded R25 to 25Live for room scheduling. This new, web-based interface provides additional features and functionality to the user and we hope you find these useful. Below are instructions on how to use the new system. If you need additional assistance, please contact inucr@lehigh.edu as the software has shifted to become a part of the University software offerings.
Faculty Notice for RCS Period:
Please advise all instructors, who are planning to utilize an RCS period, to submit a room reservation request in the R25 Web-viewer. This will be the only way to guarantee the instructor has reserved the RCS period and classroom for the course’s review period. Reservation requests will be processed and confirmed on a “First Come-First Served” basis.
Please feel free to contact cbe205@lehigh.edu or inocs@lehigh.edu with any further questions.
To access 25Live, please visit go.lehigh.edu/25Live
Scheduling Events in 25Live
25Live provides a more streamlined interface compared to R25 with users, schedulers, and approvers all using the same interface.
How to create an event
- Access 25Live at go.lehigh.edu/25Live.
- Click "Sign In" in the upper right corner of the page.
- Login using your Lehigh credentials.
- On the 25Live Home tab, click the Create an Event button (green, middle of the page).
- Complete the fields (defined below) that are relevant to your event, selecting Next after you complete each page. Fields denoted with a red * are required. The Event Wizard is designed to walk you step-by-step through the event creation process. As you move through the process, you can "favorite" many of the options for later use when scheduling by clicking the white star to make it yellow.
- Once you have completed all of the required fields and submitted your event, the following message will display at the top of the Event Reservation Wizard: Your event request has been submitted for approval. You can also check Your Event Drafts box on your HOME page.
- Your event request has now been submitted and is awaiting approval by the room scheduler.
If you need assistance during the scheduling process, please email inucr@lehigh.edu.
Common Fields
Event Name
When naming events users should remember that 25Live is a web-based scheduling and calendar system and is viewable by anyone who may be visiting the Lehigh University Website. In addition, LTS is pulling event information from 25Live to populate other University calendars on the web. For this reason, we ask that users name events in a way that will be understandable to others and avoid acronyms when possible.
Event Title
The Event Title editor affords users some extra space to add more detail to the Event Name or to add a subtitle to their event. Users should not duplicate the Event Name in the Event Title editor. If no additional name or title information is needed, users should leave the Event Title editor blank.
Event Type
Users should select the event type that best describes their event from their list of favorite event types or from the complete list of event types by using the dropdown.
Primary Organization
Users should select the organization or office responsible for the event from their list of favorite organizations, or search by organization name.
Note: If the search does not return the expected result, try limiting the search to a keyword in the organization name.
Additional Organization(s)
Users can also select any additional organizations involved with the event. Multiple Organizations can be selected using this editor.
Head Count
Users should enter the estimated number of attendees for their event in the Expected field.
Event Description
Information entered into this editor will appear in the 25Live Event Detail view. For example, if there is a website for the event, this would be an ideal location to display the URL.
Event Date/Time
If you are requesting one day/time, select NO and proceed to Event Locations.
- Users select the start and end dates and times for each event in this editor. Be sure to enter the EXACT start and end times for the event.
- Users can add pre and post event times for additional setup time, registration, etc.
- For one-day events with multiple occurrences (i.e. weekly meetings at the same time), users will enter the start date of the first occurrence then select Repeats Ad Hoc from the drop.
- If you are requesting multiple days (i.e. weekly, monthly, etc.), select YES. The following card will prompt you to select how the event will repeat: Ad-hoc, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. There is also a “Does Not Repeat” option. Use the calendar tool to select all additional dates.
Users should select the Location(s) for each event from their list of favorite locations or search within the categories list in Public Searches.
Note: If the search does not return the expected result, try limiting the search to a key word such as the building name. Please note spelling out the building name will help narrow your search (For example, University Center instead of UC). More than one location can be selected for an event. However, if users need locations in more than one scheduling office the requests must be submitted separately. (For example, an event that needs the University Center and a classroom in Packard Lab, should be put into 2 separate requests. While an event in the UC 308 and UC 306 can be put in one request).
Resources are defined as equipment or services that are not associated with a specific location. Users should select the Resource(s) for each event from their list of favorite resources or search by selecting the collection associated with the event location.
Note: If the search does not return the expected result, try limiting the search to a key word in the resource name. More than one resource can be selected for an event.
Custom Attributes
The phone number custom attribute is required for all requests. The Lehigh Account number is required is for all requests EXCEPT classroom requests.
Contact Roles
The Requestor Contact Role is used to identify the organizer of the event or representative from the Organization responsible for the event.
The Scheduler Contact Role is used to identify the person entering the event information into 25Live.
For example, if a user is entering a request for another individual (i.e. a department admin is entering an event for a faculty member), the faculty member would be considered the Requestor and the Admin doing the entry would be considered the Scheduler. In some cases, the Requestor and Scheduler may be the same person.
This field is designed to give users an opportunity to send additional instructions or comments to scheduling offices about an event. This information is only viewable by the scheduler, requestor and any service providers or approvers of locations and/or resources assigned to this event.
Event State
All requests will be entered with a DRAFT Event State. During the approval process, the Event State will be changed by the scheduling office.