Registrar Staff

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Registrar Staff

Ashley Baker - Associate Director of Student Services
  • Graduation
  • Degree Audit
  • Transfer Credit
  • Registration
Linda Bell - Deputy Registrar
  • Departmental operations
  • Graduation (graduate students)
  • President’s Scholar review
Carol Bene - Senior Assistant Director of Campus Services
  • Schedule of Classes - Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer term
    • Data Entry Process Management
    • Change Request Forms 
    • Request for Special Section Forms (Open Learning Sections)
  • Final Exam Schedule
  • Classroom Assignments
    • ​RAS-Scheduled Classrooms
    • Semester Course Offerings
  • CIM Administrator
    • ​Course Inventory Management
    • Program Management
    • User Provisioning
    • Role Management
  • University Catalog Administrator
    • ​Catalog Revision Cycle Management
    • Page Ownership
    • Workflow Settings
  • 25LIVE Room Reservation Requests for Academic Events
Michael Dills-Allen - University Registrar
  • Facilitates and oversees the Office of the Registrar
Kyra Salamon - Administrative Coordinator
  • Performs administrative duties supporting the Office of the Registrar.
  • Manages department email account, responding to inquiries or forwarding as appropriate
  • Processing of Course Withdrawal Form and Full Time Certifications
  • Enrollment verifications
Alison Valish - Transfer Specialist
  • Transfer Credit
    • Incoming Students
    • Transfer Students
    • Current Students
    • Study Abroad
  • Registration
  • Work Study Supervisor
Emily Wakelee - Undergraduate Studies Coordinator
  • Student Registrations
  • Coordinate the Student Petition Process
  • Undergraduate Studies Support