Below you will find answers to commonly asked questions around Lehigh's FERPA Policy.

What are the 4 student rights under FERPA? 

  1. The right to inspect and review their record. A written request to the University Registrar is required to request this and the University must comply with 45 days of the request.
  2. The right to petition for amendments to their record. A written request to the University Registrar fully explaining the details and rationale for the amendment must be included.
  3. The right to provide and revoke consent to disclose their education record.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the Department of Education if there are suspicions of a FERPA violation.

Are there any times student information will be released or withheld that they might not expect?

  • If a student is suspended from the University, a letter briefly explaining the time period of and reason for suspension will be required to be sent with any official transcript orders a student may place.
  • If a student is under 21 and violates any federal, state, or local law involving illegal consumption of alcohol or controlled substances, their parent(s) will be informed of this violation.

What access do parents/guardians have to their student’s record? 

  • Due to the guidelines outlined above by FERPA, access to an education record is controlled by the student. This access is granted through the Proxy Access system available in Banner. Instructions for students to set up this access will be emailed to them when they start at Lehigh.

If a student wants to appeal a decision, what does that look like?

  • Additional information will be provided if a hearing is requested. The membership of the panel reviewing the decision will be decided by the Deputy Provost of Undergraduate or Graduate Studies depending on the student’s program. The decision of that review panel will be considered final and binding.

Can I prevent the University from sharing my information?

  • All students have the ability to restrict what information Lehigh can share without their permission. Unlike Proxy Access, which grants people the ability to access the student’s information, the Confidential Indicator restricts what information we can normally share. The Confidential Indicator restricts all Directory Information; students cannot select specific information to restrict. Students can go to connect.lehigh.edu and indicate they do not want their information shared without written permission by checking the Confidential Indicator box and clicking Save.

    This does not prevent the institution from conducting its normal business and reporting. This information can still be shared internally so long as it is for the purpose of educating the student or conducting normal business. This also does not prevent the student’s information from being disclosed in mandated reporting, such as to the federal government.

    NOTE: Students who do this will only be able to conduct business with the University in person or by their official Lehigh email account. No business can be conducted by phone or online chat. This also applies to anyone the student has granted permission to their information, such as parents.